
Kyle Simmons 18-10-2023
Kyle Simmons

如果说在最可怕的恐怖电影反派背后通常没有心脏跳动,那么在使这些角色栩栩如生的化妆和特效背后,有一个和我们任何人一样正常的演员。 人们往往很难相信一个人真的扮演这样的怪物和生物,但他们就在那里,在现实生活中,打扮成Freddy Krueger 或萨马拉,在银幕上吓唬(和逗乐)我们。 但是,这些反派人物背后的演员到底是什么样的?

当然,他们都是正常人,通常不会像电影中的恐怖面孔,这些面孔经常在我们的噩梦中出现,正如无聊的熊猫所做的汇编中所显示的那样。 有些转变是令人难以置信的;然而,其他的转变则因演员与角色事实上的相似性而令人惊讶--这至少在一段时间内,肯定会引起这些演员的家庭中的寒意。

Freddy Frueger - Robert Englund ( 恶梦时刻》、 1984)

Regan Macneil - Linda Blair ( 驱魔人》、 1973)

针头 - 道格-布拉德利 ( 地狱使者--从地狱重生 , 1987)

Pennywise - 蒂姆-库里( 它--恐惧的杰作 , 1990)

瓦拉克--邦妮-阿隆斯( 邪恶的召唤2 , 2016)

See_also: 威尔-史密斯与《广告狂人》剧组合影,在感人的视频中向菲尔叔叔致敬

鬼脸--戴恩-法威尔( 恐慌 , 1996)

迈克尔-迈尔斯--尼克-卡塞尔( 万圣节 - 恐怖之夜 , 1978)

苍白的人--道格-琼斯( 花仙子的迷宫 , 2006)

敏雄--大泽谷 ( 尖叫声 , 2002)

See_also: 这种粉红色水母的照片是纯粹的诗意

外国人--博拉吉-巴德霍 ( 外星人 , 1979)

Jason Voorhees - Ari Lehman ( 13号星期五 , 1980)

皮脸--冈纳-汉森( 电锯大屠杀 , 1974)

萱子--富士贵子 ( 尖叫声 , 2004)

Leprechaun - Warwick Davis ( 妖精 , 1993)

萨马拉--戴维-切斯 ( 召唤 , 2002)


Kyle Simmons

Kyle Simmons is a writer and entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and creativity. He has spent years studying the principles of these important fields and using them to help people achieve success in various aspects of their lives. Kyle's blog is a testament to his dedication to spreading knowledge and ideas that will inspire and motivate readers to take risks and pursue their dreams. As a skilled writer, Kyle has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language that anyone can grasp. His engaging style and insightful content have made him a trusted resource for his many readers. With a deep understanding of the power of innovation and creativity, Kyle is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging people to think outside the box. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or simply seeking to live a more fulfilling life, Kyle's blog offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your goals.