
Kyle Simmons 13-07-2023
Kyle Simmons

而当没有语言来表达自己的感受时? 我们在生活中的不同时刻都是这种 "缺乏词汇 "的受害者,即使我们庞大的葡萄牙语很复杂。 如何用歌词来翻译复杂的感受? 这就是促使美国艺术家约翰-科宁试图转录心脏和其他晦涩地方的悲伤的探索,并然后给他们命名。

创建于2009年、 晦涩难懂的忧伤词典 (晦涩难懂的忧伤词典》)是一部伟大的 汇编的感情直到那时还没有说出来......因为没有人知道如何去说它们 如果这样的文字强度还不够,约翰还创造了视频来解释他所创造的新词,然而,我们自存在之初就带着这样的感觉。


See_also: 巴西妇女种植日本靛蓝,传播靛蓝自然染色的传统

Lachesism: 渴望受到灾难的打击--在飞机失事中幸存,或在火灾中失去一切。

腺炎: 对深入了解某人所需的时间感到沮丧。

安贝多 :一种忧郁的恍惚,在其中你完全被小的感官细节所吸引--雨滴滴落在窗户上,高大的树木在风中慢慢弯曲,咖啡中的奶油形成螺旋状--这最终导致对生命的脆弱性的压倒性认识。

失恋症: 怀念一个你从未经历过的时代。

基诺比亚: 平时人山人海的地方,现在却被遗弃,一片寂静,这种神秘而无助的气氛。

Kudoclasm : 当一生中的梦想被带回地球。

鲁塔里卡: 关于你不适合归类的部分。

Liberosis: 渴望少关心一些事情。

奥皮亚: 看着别人的眼睛,同时感觉到侵略性和脆弱性,这种暧昧的强度。

Vemödalen: 害怕一切都已经完成。

弯道》: 当你意识到你没有享受到你应该享受的体验时的挫败感。

泽诺西恩: 感到时间过得越来越快。

图片来自 脸书

See_also: 狗仔队:拍摄名人私密时刻的文化在何时何地诞生?


Kyle Simmons

Kyle Simmons is a writer and entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and creativity. He has spent years studying the principles of these important fields and using them to help people achieve success in various aspects of their lives. Kyle's blog is a testament to his dedication to spreading knowledge and ideas that will inspire and motivate readers to take risks and pursue their dreams. As a skilled writer, Kyle has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language that anyone can grasp. His engaging style and insightful content have made him a trusted resource for his many readers. With a deep understanding of the power of innovation and creativity, Kyle is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging people to think outside the box. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or simply seeking to live a more fulfilling life, Kyle's blog offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your goals.