
Kyle Simmons 01-10-2023
Kyle Simmons

该系列 少年狼 这部米高梅电视系列片讲述了斯科特-麦考尔的故事,他是一名年轻的高中生,在被狼人袭击后,他的生活完全改变了,现在他和他的朋友们必须保护灯塔山的人们免遭即将到来的邪恶和新世界的未知恐怖。

这部重启的影片将带回该系列的故事情节,除了扮演Scott最好的朋友Stiles Stilinski的Dylan O'Brien之外,其他主要演员都将回归。 影片将带回女妖、土狼人、地狱犬、Kitsunes和所有其他夜行者,另外Scott有望为他的族群结交新的盟友。

See_also: 发现在公共领域提供150多部电影的YouTube频道

你是否好奇地想知道更多关于该系列和电影中提到的神话? 看看下面的清单,其中有五本书可以帮助你进入派拉蒙的新电影的状态,看看吧!

See_also: 马塞洛-卡梅洛在Instagram上首次亮相,宣布直播并展示与马卢-马加良的未发表照片
  • 女妖:死亡的使者,Angelique Ruthven - R$ 6,00
  • 最佳凯尔特人童话》,Joseph Jacobs - 88.48雷亚尔
  • 日本的民俗和妖怪, Kévin Tembouret - R$ 122.22
  • The Hour of the Werewolf, Stephen King - R$ 41,99
  • 少年狼:咬我#1,大卫-提斯曼--7.90雷亚尔


女妖:死亡的使者,Angelique Ruthven - R$ 6,00

最佳凯尔特人童话》,Joseph Jacobs - 88.48雷亚尔


日本的民俗和妖怪, Kévin Tembouret - R$ 122.22

The Hour of the Werewolf, Stephen King - R$ 41,99


受《少年狼》系列的启发,这本漫画书有电子书和英文版本,以书的形式讲述了斯科特-麦考尔的故事,以及他在高中时转变为狼人的过程。 斯科特将不得不面对两个世界,一边是学校和他少年时的不安全感,一边是他作为狼人在新宇宙中的生活。 在亚马逊上找到它,价格为7.90美元。

*亚马逊和 虚伪性 我们的编辑人员特别策划了珍珠、发现、多汁的价格和其他垃圾。 密切关注#CuradoriaAmazon标签,并关注我们的选择。 产品的价格是指文章发表的日期。

Kyle Simmons

Kyle Simmons is a writer and entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and creativity. He has spent years studying the principles of these important fields and using them to help people achieve success in various aspects of their lives. Kyle's blog is a testament to his dedication to spreading knowledge and ideas that will inspire and motivate readers to take risks and pursue their dreams. As a skilled writer, Kyle has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language that anyone can grasp. His engaging style and insightful content have made him a trusted resource for his many readers. With a deep understanding of the power of innovation and creativity, Kyle is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging people to think outside the box. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or simply seeking to live a more fulfilling life, Kyle's blog offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your goals.