阴茎 "涂色书在成年人中很受欢迎

Kyle Simmons 16-08-2023
Kyle Simmons

主要是男性在年轻时保持的在公共浴室墙壁和学校笔记本上画阴茎的奇怪习惯终于获得了完美的培养平台。 一群来自美国新奥尔良的建筑师创建了PEN15俱乐部,这是一个由那些公开喜欢到处画阴茎的人组成的俱乐部--他们希望与世界分享这种习惯。



唐纳德-特朗普的阳具 阴茎版的圣餐


See_also: 认识世界上最好的监狱,那里的囚犯真正被当作人对待

该项目正在进行众筹,根据该俱乐部的说法,世界需要一本阴茎涂色书。 为什么阴茎会在浴室和笔记本上画上翅膀仍然是一个谜。

See_also: 图片系列回顾了1960年代滑板运动的诞生过程


最近,Hypeness展示了一位在成人涂色书方面取得成功的插画家。 看看吧。

Kyle Simmons

Kyle Simmons is a writer and entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and creativity. He has spent years studying the principles of these important fields and using them to help people achieve success in various aspects of their lives. Kyle's blog is a testament to his dedication to spreading knowledge and ideas that will inspire and motivate readers to take risks and pursue their dreams. As a skilled writer, Kyle has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language that anyone can grasp. His engaging style and insightful content have made him a trusted resource for his many readers. With a deep understanding of the power of innovation and creativity, Kyle is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging people to think outside the box. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or simply seeking to live a more fulfilling life, Kyle's blog offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your goals.