探索 "漂亮的小骗子:新的罪恶 "的故事,并了解更多关于催生该系列的书籍的情况

Kyle Simmons 12-10-2023
Kyle Simmons

你是否怀念艾莉森、阿里亚、汉娜、艾米莉和斯宾塞的神秘故事? 那么你需要观看HBO最大的新系列 "漂亮的小骗子:新的罪恶"。 在首映几天后(7月28日),该系列已经有超过70%的公众认可。

虽然在标题上与2010年的主要系列相似,但该系列为米尔伍德带来了狰狞的谜团,以及与往常不同的演员阵容。 在剧情中,一群十几岁的女孩被一个不知名的袭击者嘲弄,该袭击者寻求为她们父母二十年前犯下的秘密罪行进行报复。

See_also: 收养2年后,中国妇女发现她的小狗是一只熊


想知道更多关于宇宙中关于米尔伍德的奥秘吗? O 虚伪性 已经选择了五本书,让你一头扎进 "新罪 "中,看看吧!

See_also: 去加拿大的Luiza出现了怀孕,并谈论了备忘录10年后的生活
  • 顽皮,萨拉-谢泼德 - 41,90雷亚尔
  • 无可挑剔,萨拉-谢泼德 - 44.90雷亚尔
  • 完美,萨拉-谢泼德 - 17.99雷亚尔
  • Box Pretty Little Liars - Vol.1 ao Vol.4, Sara Shepard - R$130.00
  • Box Pretty Little Liars - Vol.5 ao Vol.8, Sara Shepard - R$97.45



顽皮,萨拉-谢泼德 - 41,90雷亚尔

无可挑剔,萨拉-谢泼德 - 44.90雷亚尔


完美,萨拉-谢泼德 - 17.99雷亚尔

Box Pretty Little Liars - Vol.1 ao Vol.4, Sara Shepard - R$130.00


Box Pretty Little Liars - Vol.5 ao Vol.8, Sara Shepard - R$97.45

当一切似乎都解决了,一群朋友不再怀疑艾莉森是门票的幕后黑手时,"A "又来了。 从第五卷到第八卷的书都出现在《漂亮的小骗子》盒装中,揭示了比以前更多的秘密,使朋友们的生命受到威胁。 在亚马逊找到它,价格为97.45雷亚尔。

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Kyle Simmons

Kyle Simmons is a writer and entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and creativity. He has spent years studying the principles of these important fields and using them to help people achieve success in various aspects of their lives. Kyle's blog is a testament to his dedication to spreading knowledge and ideas that will inspire and motivate readers to take risks and pursue their dreams. As a skilled writer, Kyle has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language that anyone can grasp. His engaging style and insightful content have made him a trusted resource for his many readers. With a deep understanding of the power of innovation and creativity, Kyle is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging people to think outside the box. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or simply seeking to live a more fulfilling life, Kyle's blog offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your goals.