穆斯林拍下修女在海滩上的照片,为穿着 "burquini "辩护,在网络上引起争议

Kyle Simmons 18-10-2023
Kyle Simmons

最近,法国的几个城市已经接受了一项措施,即 否决穿布基尼的行为 这一有争议的决定被广泛讨论和批评、 这引起了一个问题,即这是否是另一个仇视伊斯兰教的案例。

为了证明这一禁令的合理性,总理曼努埃尔-瓦尔斯说:"。 衣服将不符合法国和共和国的价值观"、 要求民众理解并支持否决权。

但无论是在法国还是在国外,这项禁令都不是一致的。 意大利部长安吉利诺-阿尔法诺说,这个决定是不适当的,甚至可能是危险的。 而一些欧洲报纸则尖锐地批评这一措施具有高度歧视性。

See_also: 9/11事件:男子从双子塔上跳下的有争议的照片的故事

而在这一切的争论中, 佛罗伦萨伊玛目伊泽丁-埃尔齐尔 他在社交网络的个人资料上发布了一张照片,显示 八个修女在海滩上,都穿着她们的习惯。 他的意图是通过表明以下几点来创造一个积极的辩论 "一些西方的价值观来自于基督教,而且,从基督教的根源来看,也有一些人几乎完全覆盖自己" , 正如他向天空电视台TG24频道解释的那样。

尽管有良好的愿望,但伊泽丁还是收到了 数以百计的负面评论批评这种比较 这张照片被分享了三千多次,几个小时后,由于用户的大量投诉,Facebook将其屏蔽。

See_also: 巴西每年有超过60,000名失踪人员,搜索工作因偏见和缺乏结构而受到阻碍

图片 © Anoek De Groot/法新社和Facebook转载

Kyle Simmons

Kyle Simmons is a writer and entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and creativity. He has spent years studying the principles of these important fields and using them to help people achieve success in various aspects of their lives. Kyle's blog is a testament to his dedication to spreading knowledge and ideas that will inspire and motivate readers to take risks and pursue their dreams. As a skilled writer, Kyle has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language that anyone can grasp. His engaging style and insightful content have made him a trusted resource for his many readers. With a deep understanding of the power of innovation and creativity, Kyle is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging people to think outside the box. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or simply seeking to live a more fulfilling life, Kyle's blog offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your goals.