
Kyle Simmons 18-10-2023
Kyle Simmons

大多数人在将手指弯曲到手掌时,会看到手腕和前臂之间出现一条几厘米长的软骨肌腱:这是掌长肌腱,是协助弯曲手掌的细长肌肉。 然而,一部分参加测试的人将发现,他们根本没有这块肌肉,这是进化的一个明显标志。改造我们的身体。



我们毕竟是进化过程中的灵长类动物。 尽管查尔斯-达尔文在1859年定义的自然选择无法实时感知--因为需要数千年的时间来操作转变--但我们带有这一过程的迹象。 阑尾、智齿和足底肌肉是无用的身体部位,注定要消失。



See_also: 菲利希亚综合症:为什么我们有压制可爱的冲动

今天,世界上约有14%的人不再携带掌长肌的肌腱。 事实上,今天的肌腱在我们的手指和手的弯曲中具有如此离散和无关紧要的功能,医生经常用它来替代身体其他部位破裂的肌腱。


-研究称,小狗在进化中学会了做 "撅嘴脸"。




See_also: TikTok:孩子们解决了97%的哈佛毕业生都没有解决的谜题

Kyle Simmons

Kyle Simmons is a writer and entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and creativity. He has spent years studying the principles of these important fields and using them to help people achieve success in various aspects of their lives. Kyle's blog is a testament to his dedication to spreading knowledge and ideas that will inspire and motivate readers to take risks and pursue their dreams. As a skilled writer, Kyle has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language that anyone can grasp. His engaging style and insightful content have made him a trusted resource for his many readers. With a deep understanding of the power of innovation and creativity, Kyle is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging people to think outside the box. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or simply seeking to live a more fulfilling life, Kyle's blog offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your goals.