
Kyle Simmons 18-10-2023
Kyle Simmons

英国女演员索菲-特纳看到她的生活因该系列的巨大成功而发生变化 权力的游戏 该系列的成功意味着她自己事业的成功,再加上与音乐家乔-乔纳斯(Joe Jonas)稳定而幸福的关系,她的时机显然再好不过了。 然而,抑郁症并不符合逻辑和连续的工作,也不限于此类问题:这是苏菲最近在播客中透露的,她在播客中公开了他在游戏中讲述了他与抑郁症的斗争,这种斗争已经持续了5年。

See_also: 收紧你身上这6个穴位中的任何一个,以缓解抽筋、背痛、压力和头痛。

自2011年成立以来,她一直出现在该系列中,她的成功开始得非常早--在""时,这位女演员只有15岁。 GoT" 开始了。紧张的工作是人们所期望的,尽管她对这个角色充满了感激和极大的乐趣,但她说,青春期的到来带来了孤独,并随之带来了更多的问题:17岁时,她的体重增加了,渐渐地,悲伤占据了她的心。"我的新陈代谢的节奏放得太慢了,我开始发胖。"很快,我不得不面对社交媒体和所有这些的审查,而在那一刻,就是[抑郁症]开始袭击我,"他透露。


社交网络上的贬损性评论让她感到很沉重,抑郁症状况随着工作本身的加重而巩固下来。 这种情况依然存在,但她开始抗争,从而得到改善。"对我来说,最大的挑战是下床,能够离开家,学会喜欢自己,"她告诉播客 菲尔在空白处 通过大量的治疗,她的病情开始好转--正是为了提高对抑郁症问题的认识,她在播客中公开了这个问题。

See_also: 香蕉启示录》:我们所知道的香蕉正在走向灭亡


"我现在更喜欢自己了,或者说比以前更喜欢,我相信。 我不认为我很喜欢自己,但我和某人在一起,他帮助我意识到我有某些积极的品质,我认为。" 她的项目是利用该系列的结束进行长时间的休息。 苏菲只是不知道这个时期何时会真正到来,因为她即将开始为她的新电影进行宣传、 X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

Kyle Simmons

Kyle Simmons is a writer and entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and creativity. He has spent years studying the principles of these important fields and using them to help people achieve success in various aspects of their lives. Kyle's blog is a testament to his dedication to spreading knowledge and ideas that will inspire and motivate readers to take risks and pursue their dreams. As a skilled writer, Kyle has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language that anyone can grasp. His engaging style and insightful content have made him a trusted resource for his many readers. With a deep understanding of the power of innovation and creativity, Kyle is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging people to think outside the box. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or simply seeking to live a more fulfilling life, Kyle's blog offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your goals.